Interregional training session on waste recycling good practices
14 May 2014 in Graz
Discover experiences to improve your recycling performances
In order to help cities and regions achieve the recycling target of 50% of municipal solid waste by 2020 set by the European Waste Framework Directive, public authorities must have access to good examples of pactices that proved to be sucessful for the improvement of waste collection and recycling in other European areas.
The training in Graz will give the opportunity to share some of these good practices on waste monitoring, collection and management. The training will also demonstrate how cities and regions can use the R4R online tool to get advices on relevant good practices for their own situation and territory.
The following 2 days will be dedicated to internal meetings of the R4R partners, in order to prepare the end of the R4R project.
Training event agenda
- Welcome to styria, Mr. Johann Seitinger, Styrian Provincial Government &
Mag. Siegfried Nagl, Mayor of the City of Graz
Introduction to the R4R Project - Jean-Benoit Bel, ORDIF
- Waste Management in Austria - does today's practice fulfil the ambitious goals? -
Prof. Dr. Paul Brunner - Technical University Vienna
Good Practices Session 1:
- Material Flow Analysis with Freeware STAN
(DI Oliver Cencic - Technical University Vienna); - EDM (Mag. Franz Mochty - Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management)
Good Practices Session 2:
- Packaging waste collection in Austria (Dr.ChristophScharff - ARA AG.)
- Door to door collection of municipal solid waste in Catalonia
(Gisela Sommer - ARC - Agència de Residus de Catalunya) - Analysis of residual waste in Styria (DI Karl Harather - IUT)
Good Practices Session 3:
- Waste consultancy in Austria
(Berthold Schleich - ARGE Association for Waste Prevention); - The economic perspective of municipal waste management in Austria
(Dr. Franz Prettenthaler - Joanneum Research); - The Pay-as-you-throw system and differentiated tariffs (Maarten de Groof - OVAM)
- Presentation of the R4R Online Tool and the Relevance for Good Practices
(Koen Smets, OVAM)
Download: Agenda and practical information.
Registration: R4R-Meeting in Graz, Austria 14 May 2014
Event coordinators:
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Wilhelm Himmel, Styrian Provincial Government
mobile: +43 676 8666 2153
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Günther Illitsch, Styrian Provinicial Government,
phone: +43 316 877 4392
Office of the Styrian Government
Department 14 - Waste Management and Sustainability
Bürgergasse 5a
8010 Graz, Austria